Senin, 09 November 2015

Should Improve research in kampus ?

Three student of IAIN Surakarta was followed “ Temu Riset Mahasiswa Islam dan Short Course Metodologi Penelitian Nasional 2015” that hold in  24-30 Oktober 2015 in  UIN Malang. Three student are  Ahsanur Rofiq iqbal from faculty of  Akidah Filsafat , Mustaim Romli from faculty of Akidah filsafat and Abdi Setiawan  from English Departmen . that three student are from UKM DINAMIKA ( UKM Student’s Research).

“The workshop talk about research  in islamic culture. In three we spent the night and during seven days we joint the workshop and during that all of the accommodation paid by campus.” said Abdi Setiawan as a participant of the workshop that interviewed in his spare time of activities in UKM DINAMIKA

One of the speaker of the workshop is exs-rector of UIN Kalijaga Jogjakarta. He tell about research.
“The theme of the workshop is  Tirakat Penelitian, I got many knowledge from this event, one hundred percent about knowledge  of research and about language, Islamic culture, islamic formation, and all about islam. During seven day .We start our activities at 5 o’clock and then praying, doing sport, take a bath and the seminar begin at 8 a.m after that we rest at 12 o’clock and than continue the seminar at 2 p.m . and we do it until at 10 night. All of accommodation pay by our campus.“ Abdi Setiawan added..

To joint with this event we must write essay about Harmony religion and than all of  our essay will select by our campus after that we who acceptance will go to the event. In IAIN just three student can join in this event.

The perpose of this event are unite all of IAIN and learn about research, methodology of research and how to make a good and correct research.

 “I feel happily because I can learn about religion and than how to be good moslem because before I joint in this event I do not learn about islam more.” Said Abdi Setyawan

My expectation  is we can improve our methodology  Research from this event and than my dream is write some book. amin

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